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quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010

First post in English and Presidential elections in Brazil


Hi guys! This is my first post in English in this weblog, I usually write in Portuguese but now I feel like extending my point of view to English readers as well. First off all I'll apologize for any misspellings or misunderstandings that may occur since I'm not a natural speaker of English but I'll try my best to avoid this kind of things.
The name of the blog is Planeta Sem Retorno which means something like Planet of No Return and it's updated by me... Priscila Veiga your favorite blogger from now on!
I hope you enjoy our first English post....

Presidential Elections

We recently had Presidential Elections here in Brazil and as you could see on the news Dilma Roussef was elected to be our new President.

Well, I personally believe that this was an historical mistake because Marina Silva was also running and she was considered one of the 50 people who could change the world and she didn't win... This may mean either that the people do not want to change and that everything is alright (which is not true) or that no one paid attention that Dilma Rouseff used to be a terrorist in her early age.
I still don't know what this says about Brazilian people or about our society but I'm afraid that will figure out very soon.
I hope I'm being too fatalistic and therefore wrong, and everything will be alright in the end, and that Santa Claus can bring us all the presents on Christmas and the Easter Bunny doesn't get lost on its way to deliver chocolate eggs...

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